Starting any business can be tough but starting a food-related business might be even tougher than most. The cost of the equipment, staying compliant with food handler rules, advertising costs, the list can go on and on and may end up being so expensive and complicated that less adventurous potential entrepreneurs may decide it just isn’t worth it. But we at BLT Kitchens know your heart and we know that you have it in you to create a successful food related business, and our shared commercial kitchens will help!
It Costs Less
If you have gotten to the point where you have started pricing equipment, its safe to say that you probably experienced a bit of sticker shock, but our shared commercial kitchens will provide all the most expensive equipment for you! Pay your monthly fees (which we believe are extremely reasonable) and every day when you come in to start your day, you will have access to all the appliances you need without having to dig deep into your own pockets.
Commercial Grade Equipment
Chances are you have already started your business in your own kitchen, and the chances are equally high that you have felt frustration over stoves that offer unequal temperatures and refrigerators that just doesn’t offer enough room to hold all the goodies you have created. Our commercial grade equipment is also commercial sized and is guaranteed to be in prime working order.
Stay Compliant
BLT Kitchens are commercially licensed, making it easy for the businesses using our services to stay compliant with all the rules and regulations that accompany the food business world.
Up Your Professionalism
We offer a place for potential clients to come and see where the magic takes place and sample your wares. Professionalism matters when people are trusting you to provide the food for their special occasions and our tasting rooms will always impress.
Save Even More more with our shared commercial kitchen
It’s not just the equipment that can run up the costs of your food related business. Utility costs, security costs, even pest control can seriously take a chunk out of your budget, but your payments to us cover all of those costs and allow you to put your money where it counts—into the quality ingredients you will be using to create your magical products!
Are You Intrigued?
Request a tour of our shared commercial kitchens today and discover all the ways our BLT Kitchens can put your business on the road to success!